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About libjpeg-turbo




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Developer Info


Software That Uses or Provides libjpeg-turbo

NOTE: This page is no longer maintained. It reflects the early history of libjpeg-turbo, when numerous application and operating system developers were weighing the choice between libjpeg v8+ and libjpeg-turbo. These days, libjpeg-turbo is an official ISO/ITU-T reference implementation, and it would be easier to list the applications and operating systems that don't provide it rather than the ones that do.


Operating Systems/Environments

Other Languages

  • TurboJpegWrapper (.NET wrapper for the TurboJPEG API, written in C# and using PInvoke to call the native functions)
  • turbojpegCLI (.NET wrapper for the TurboJPEG API, written using C++/CLI)
Creative Commons LicenseAll content on this web site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Any works containing material derived from this web site must cite The libjpeg-turbo Project as the source of the material and list the current URL for the libjpeg-turbo web site.

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Page last modified on February 24, 2021, at 10:00 AM